
a person or thing that influences another

Jackson Pollock
Every so often, a painter has to destroy painting, Cezanna did it, Picasso did it with Cubism. Then Pollack did it. He busted our idea of a picture all to hell.".

Abstract Expressionism
The movement comprised many styles but shared several characteristics.

Action Painting
Predicated on the idea that the creative process involves a dialogue between the artist and the canvas.

The word impasto is Italian in origin; in which it means "dough" or "mixture"; related to the verb impastare, "to knead", or "to paste".

"It doesn't take much to be a sucessful artist - all you need to do is dedicate your entire life to it.

Curvature Induced Symmetry
Swift–Hohenberg theory that describes wrinkling morphology and pattern selection in curved elastic bilayer materials.